Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive drug made from the Cannabis plant, a native of Central and South Asia. People have used cannabis for centuries for various entheogenic, recreational, and traditional medicinal purposes. Here are some of the medical benefits of cannabis. Read on to find out more! And don’t forget to check out our other articles about cannabis. We cover topics such as THC, CBD, and more!
The compounds in cannabis, called cannabinoids, are a group of over 100 active chemical compounds. The endocannabinoid system in humans and other mammals produces cannabinoids that interact with receptors in cells. These chemicals then alter brain activity, producing a wide variety of effects throughout the body. This article will cover the chemistry of cannabis, how cannabinoids act in the body, and why their effects vary among individuals.
Cannabis sativa
One of the oldest plants known to mankind, Cannabis sativa L., is currently classified as a
Schedule I drug in the United States, despite being accepted for medical use in 16 states. Despite its high drug trafficking potential, cannabis sativa remains a valuable crop and represents a significant caseload for forensic chemists. In this article, we’ll briefly review its most notable benefits and drawbacks.
THC in cannabis is a psychoactive compound that can be absorbed by diverse routes of administration. Upon oral administration, it undergoes a series of metabolizations that lead to a variety of end products. For example, THC is metabolized in the liver by alcohol-dehydrogenase enzymes into 11-hydroxy-THC and 11-Nor-9-carboxy-THC.
There are many ways to get CBD from cannabis. Some of these products contain THC, while others do not. Either way, CBD is extracted naturally from cannabis plants, using oils from hemp, coconut, sunflower, and other sources. Some of these products are infused with terpenes, which may have therapeutic benefits as well. Those who are concerned about their health can opt to consume CBD tinctures or CBD-infused edibles.
Medical uses
In addition to its numerous recreational uses, cannabis may be useful in medical conditions. For instance, cannabis is known to affect sleep latency, the time it takes for the body to get to sleep. This could mean that cannabis can help treat sleep disorders. And since many marijuanaderived products contain cannabinoids, these substances may have a role to play in treating certain disorders. But these claims are not yet backed by evidence The FDA is committed to promoting safe, effective marijuana treatments.
Toxicity of cannabis may be associated with the development of liver disease and cirrhosis. Cannabis extracts, or hashish, contain many substances that may act as allergens or toxins. For example, cannabis sativa contains steroids and triterpens that can convert into a carcinogen. In animals, marihuana smoke condensate is just as toxic to the skin as tobacco smoke.